Great topic!
Not sure how relevant this is, not having much in the way of magical knowledge, but along aog's point of learning to like my body, and learning to find new uses for it.
I've been learning trapeze for about a year, and it has utterly changed my relationship to my own body, and to other peoples, to physicality in general. And by extension to how I see and experience the physical world. (it's the first time I've seriously worked at a physical/expressive practice. )
I see/feel a different person now.
Various things: I've *experienced* how utterly my body is tied into my emotions, my headspace, how these all work together, and begun to view myself much more as a holistic entity. I've also learnt that I can train and teach my body to do things I'd never have imagined, that it has capabilities and talents all of its own, and that often in this discipline, letting my body lead is the way to work. (for someone who's been very head-driven, and then heart-driven for a long time, this has been a major discovery)
Also how being up in the air and coming back down to the ground feels, emotionally, I'd guess, (feels almost a spiritual thing, something I'm not very in touch with/would have been loathe to admit to a year ago) and noticing that I'm much happier with the moves that head downwards, even if they're more dangerous, difficult than the stuff that involves standing on the bar/working upwards. Hard to describe but something inside and outside of me seems to veer towards those moves. An inclination/desire for grounding maybe?
As someone working on themselves and others through pyschotheapeutic/counseeling channels, this has totally revolutionized the way I work...
I'm also definitely much more aware of the energies in the room/of the others in my class than I was a year ago, can feel the tension in one of the girls, the excitement in another.
(our class is only 4 and our teacher is very focussed on teaching us to be a group and to tune into each ohter, so we do quite alot of meditation, trust work, - (a great part of this being working with acrobalance - in which one person acts as the base on which the other one balances/handstands etc.... being physically bound to someone else by trust, responsibility has been an amazing process. ) ) |