In fact the logical end to this arguement is to bann all produsts form our baskets that are contaminated by abuse or severe exploitation, ie Nike sweatshop product, coffee though Neslte, etc, YES thats the only sway we have over this megaliths.
we dont vote them in, they just subvert the rules to siut themselvews, like GATT,GATS,IMF,WTO,UN all these instituions are subverted by the power of commerce. then the DMCA and Homeland security follow on, with ID cards in the UK and sterarner refgee and asylem laws , i know this is a broad side attack but it all stems form the same misconception that some should have much more than others.
Specifically with M&M and Universal, it is perfect to use thier media spaming to our advantage. this is a protest that can be picked up like a shot, magnifing the power of a few simole keystroakes into a miultinational force for good, providing truth and no impunity for transgressers, coperate, govenment or personal. the unification of all mankind begins here.
icVisions |