was grand - haven't been to duckie in years, but remembered why i love it so...
its a black dirtbox queer pub/cabaret thingy... last night decorated with large portraits of la moz and a skeleton dashingly waving it's gladioli... we missed the performance but caught the trivia quiz, along wityh appalling Moz karaoke.... Under the whip-cracking direction of Cherielabombe-alike, Amy Lame. *swoon*
no attitude, just lots of dancing and drinking smoking and talking and laughing..
music: aside from lashings and lashings (geddit?) of smiths: peaches, lots of electro/disco fabulousness.... oh can't remember but all good dancing material...
oh and while we were waiting to get in, one the promoters came out and gave everyone in the cue beer.... and apoloogised to us for having to wait...bless |