There's been a number of instances recently of people posting verse in the Switchboard, sometimes in threads that were already underway. Now, so far as a Moderator I haven't been asked to do anything about this, and am unsure of how to proceed, largely because it seems that a precedent will be set either way. I wanted to canvas opinion, and not single out specific posters for fairly obvious reasons, so...
What do people think about this? If someone wants to express their view on the prospect of a US/UK invasion of Iraq in the medium of poetry or lyrics, is that perfectly valid, or should it be discouraged? (Please note: the issue of the quality of the verse seems fairly irrelevant for the purposes of this thread, and when it comes to on or off-topicness, I think posts should always be judged on a case-by-case basis and the same standards apply as for prose...) |