This is a blatant lie and is untrue, unless, of course, they're giving them out easily.
Maybe it was just at Aber, but it seemed they were handing out good degrees with boxes of cereal.
As for exams, my problem was always with preparation. Our lady procrastination always seemd to ensure that i could only answer 2/3 of the questions set, and then there were the exams which grouped the questions so that i could only answer 1 when i should have answered 3. But no matter, my exams were few and far between, and i found few things more joyous than walking out early.
Also, with exams, i found that the questions were pitched at different levels. There'd be at least one question that screamed "you can answer me as well as you like, but i'm so easy you'll only get a 60", while others that'd be all like "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough". I had an enlightening chat with my MA supervisor about this, and apparently it was entirely intentional, though differed slightly depending who set the paper. His advice was to always go for the tough bastards, because [and his honesty was startling here] 90% of students would go for Mr. Piece of Piss and the examiners would be so bored after trawling through 100+ answers for that the variety of a different answer would perk them up = higher marks.
Unfortunately my MA was coursework only, so all that good advice was useless to me.
I'm still working [well, not working] on my dissertation, but i've found a tremendous incentive. I just downloaded the 1st episode of Buffy 7 from Kazaa, and am going to work on my diss while Ep's 2 & 3 slither down the pipe. Then more Buffy, more work, more Buffy. If i'm not done then it'll be an all-nighter, which is half-appealing, as i actually kind of miss those, though maybe that's just the nostalgia talking.
Anyhow, must go and shine up some more monkey-poo./ |