Remembering this place existed and,looking around and seeing that it seems to be a bit in decline, I'm thinking that it's a shame I never signed up. Then, reading an old crime fiction thread, a post by 'frenchfilmblurred' about Derek Raymond sounds so uncannily like me it's positively scary, doppelganger stuff. Then I realised it was me...
So, er, Derek Raymond. Since my last post in 2004 his 'lost' novel, Nightmare In The Street, has been published over here. The first chapter of it appeared in a Time Out anthology years ago, but as far as I knew the only complete version of it was in French.
Don't know if Stoatie or anyone else has read it. I liked it a lot, but like all of his stuff it's probably an acquired taste. The protagonist spends most of the book wandering the streets of Paris, haunted by the spectral remains of his murdered lover, rended into blood and bones by an explosion - as always with Raymond exploring the 'skull beneath the skin' will mean literally that to some extent. It's a strange book, even by his standards, and has a lot more of the poetic, non-realistic elements that mix with straighter gritty police procedure in the Factory novels. Not the best place to start, but Raymond converts will probably enjoy it. |