perhaps the wrong place for this (lemmie know and it's gone) - a fictional intro written recently to inspire furhter exploration:
How did the lives of people change in Corporate Democratic America?
After the fall of the American Republic (U.S.A. rep.), Americans believed that individual people, themselves, did not matter. What was important, they believed, was a strong centralized military, property rights, and to use the marketplace to decide all controversy. The fall of the Republic on October 10th, 2002, triggered the beginnings of "Corporate Democracy" as we know it today, and provided the context for why this form of Fascism is considered decieving.
Corporate Democracy used the terms and dynamics of classic Democracy to infer that democratic processes were being undertaken, while fascistic processes and feudalist dynamics dominated most decision-making for society. The greatest scientific minds of the time had not yet fully understood basic psycology or linguistics principles which later demonstrated the fallacious nature of the Empire - which was built on the public's assertion of "logic" at that time - the cause for it's ultimate collapse in 2038.
Individuals were forced to accept the basic protocal assigned to them in society - women were expected to act subserviant and nuturing, even when in roles of authority, while men were considered inefficient or sidelined if they did not behave in a belligerent, or arrogant manner. Racism, gender and age prejudices - brought forth from previous ages - often dominated social, business and cultural power structures in an evolved form, where the society as a whole behaved as if none of these persisted, and genuinely believed so. Most critically, however, anyone with a working knowledge of linguistics and psycology were chastized in the public forums of the day. Human cognition of that age simply could not fathom the notion that language was not absolute, and this dynamic came to shape what power structures would rely upon, to fulfil their roles in society.
"Niche Class" structures were adopted, mimicking the industrial and commercial movements of the time, to weave a sophisticated appearance of democractic society within the public institutions, media, and meeting places. This had the effect of calming the Empire's citizenry during the transitionary periods and provided them with a clear sense that democracy was being facilitated. The reality that over 99% of the world's population - and more than 95% of the American population - were unable to directly experience the benefits of the Corporate Democractic system, was too much pressure to bear for very long however. Historians presume the reformation period was essentially incurred as a direct result of this social pressure.
Some historians even speculate that the Empire was only able to exist because of the public fear engendered by the still unknown opposition of the old Republic, who would employ guerrilla and terror tactics to fight such an economically/militarily superior entity. Theories speculate that the last enemies of the old Republic provided the catalyst for the Republic to dissolve itself, in the form of widespread public panic and fear. Many legends of major atrocities from the period persist, but there is little evidence such foes ever existed, and many historians believe that these are rumors created by former enemies of the Empire, to discredit it's version of history.
After the "Civil Rights" movements throughout the 20th Century, general consensus among the Republic dictated that racism, as well as all gender, culture and age bias, had ended in the mid-20th Century. This was another powerful component of the decieving dynamics of the young Corporate Democracy, and considered one of the primary causes for the inability of American society to understand what exactly was changing in their own government and how.
Intitially - with the concerns of the 20th Century still dominating geo-political attention globally (referred to as the Cold War, a stalemate ideological war waged in the mid-20th Century between the former U.S.A. rep. and the former U.S.S.R. of Eastern Europe which historians now understand was a Public Relations stunt to create the early miltiary industrial complex which came to be the foundation of the coming Empire), and the technological confusion brought by the beginnings of the Digital Revolution of the 1960s (which facilitated the emerging media constructs Corporate Democracy requires to function) - the Empire's intoxicating situation - the promise of an all-encompassing utopia - converted many to Corporate Democracy well before the Empire was actually established.
The biggest changes were in the lives of the middle classes, who were being recruited slowly into the mechanics of Corporate Democracy via a mechanic known as "profit-sharing". Profit-sharing was a market-driven mechanic that recreated the original driving force of the old Republic, which pretended that everyone "was created equally". The term itself referred to a spiritual rite of human equivalence, but did so in a Feudlist context, where everyone did not mean every human being, but rather, meant every human being in the Upper Classes, or every human being who owned property (in large amounts), ie the legacy of the former monarchies of classical Europe, Africa, and all of Asia, with a handful of exceptions (mostly corporate-owned or corporate-controlled, despotic city-states).
While it still remains mostly a mystery, sometime in the late 20th century, Americans (and many outside of America, in her many sister "nations") came to believe that debt was equivalent to ownership (note: this was based on the mythological retellings of the 18th and 19th century beginnings of corporate influence on democracy in Europe and America), and in this context, most governments in Western Society were able to convince the masses that they were in a democracy, when they remained firmly in Republican forms of government. It is believed this core cognitive dissonence was the basis for the next 50 years of seemingly counter-intuitive behavior, ie, the precidents which made people believe such seemingly unbelievable things to be true.
Some of the other social changes were in the lives of women and children: Books of nursery rhymes were published which encouraged children to presume absolutes, suggest people should worship monotheist dieties before they even achieved adolescence, encourage children to play with guns, and to enjoy violence. Children's songs were about bloodshed, fighting and race. Despite the legal right to Freedom of Religion, monotheist cultures dominated the society in an uncaring and disrespectful manner, which disgruntled most humanists of the time. Many historians believe the decline of the extremes of Monotheism, was the result of this situation.
At the exact same time, the Political Classes would engage in massive Public Relations campaigns which gave the appearance that the Corporate Democracy wanted the exact opposite for it's children, and even regulated against such activity usually via party political functions, while partisan leaders secretly profited from the proliferation of the very same materials. This diametrically opposed "intention versus result" mechanic was the principle way in which the general population were lead to believe they were engaging in one form of government, when they were actually helping to support one on the opposite side of the political spectrum.
This is one example of how the sophisticated manipulation of language, networks, Law and reason were employed to erect the various constructs of the Empire's success domestically. Subversion and manipulation of Law became the means to enact wide-sweeping legal change that had literally changed the nature of the Constitution of 1787, the document which defined the old Republic's system of government. When the Constitution was declared "null and void" in December, 2004 - President Cheney's first act as President of the old Republic - it was left to Cheney alone to determine the replacement form of government from a legal perspective.
It remains uncertain as to why Americans of the time handed Cheney that power. While many would submit there were more sinister and sophisticated conspiracies, historians believe the basic constructs of Corporate Democracy themselves were what prevented society from understanding how their own government was changing, without malice.
It was believed that Chief Executive (CE) Cheney Snr, along with later Emperor's, CE Rumsfeld Snr and the much younger CE Fleischer, were the masterminds of the United States of America Corporate Democractic Empire (U.S.A.C.D.E.), which combined the U.S.A.'s holdings with the World Bank and the International Monety Fund (the corporate entities which determined all global economics of the period) to create the new Empire. While the documentation of the time was mostly destroyed to cover up the legal implications, and the great Wipe of 2010 made it virtually impossible to find records of the period, historians have pieced together the recollections and recountings of those alive at the time to understand exactly how the relationships were forged to enact the Empire, shortly after the official fall of the Republic, when congress unknowingly voted to dissolve the Constitution on October 10th, 2002. |