< off topic rambling, but I couldn't let it lie >
Gauda Prime is *not* a hole. Bill, you are a fool. It's a grand place, I spent many happy weeks there pretending I wasn't signed up to being stuck in fucking Essex for three years. Great atmosphere and some of the best clubs and pubs in existence, back then. And sure that still holds. And spookily enough, met someone last night who'd studied there and got to reminisce about it for the first time in ages, much fun had recalling one of the Best Clubs Ever, a Gauda Prime institution.
< end of off topic rambing >
And was my second choice for an MA.
But while we're being academically partisan (cult stud and soc/anthro academics, situated and biased? whatever next ), have you considered Goldsmiths?
Its cultural studies/sociology/anthropology/media & comms./art history depts all contribute to their cult. studs MAs and research seminars, giving you access to a real range and some amazing people. I'd thoroughly recommend it as an intellectual/social atmosphere, I found it a really inspiring place to study/work/hang out/live. And made several of my closest friends there. My year there really was one of the best of my life.
< wooden spoon >
Oh, and it's a shame you can't ask the much-missed Bluestocking which is better, Gauda or Goldsmiths, as I know ze'd pick Goldsmiths every time! Ze knows the score.
And yes, the politics between sociology / anthropology and cultural studies are quite tense at the moment.
Well, that's understandable, contrasting cultural studies' validation of its non-scientific basis in with Soc/Anthro's denial/defensive determination that it *is* Science. (Methinks theres a bit too much protesting...)
wooden spoon >
Hey, I think i've just perfomed the Deva/Bill double spike. Yay me! |