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Stoatie and the Badgers


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Mourne Kransky
16:57 / 10.01.03
Don't know if this will work since I'm a technocretin but here goes:

Mourne Kransky
16:59 / 10.01.03

Mourne Kransky
17:01 / 10.01.03

17:11 / 10.01.03
Kit-Cat Club
17:50 / 10.01.03
Best thing EVER.

'Je suis une blaireau mauvaise' - want that on a t-shirt...
hanabius yamamura
17:50 / 10.01.03
bagpuss on absinthe !!!

xoc , you're a star !!!
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:55 / 10.01.03
wow. WOW
Mourne Kransky
02:21 / 11.01.03
Aw, my lovingly crafted cartoons have vanished into the ether. Damn, what'd I do wrong? Hmmmm...

Thanks for the words of encouragement, those who saw them before they went on strike.
06:42 / 11.01.03
Ah no, missed it! Shit.
Sounds like they were cool, though.
Mourne Kransky
11:17 / 11.01.03
I exceed my daily bandwidth limit by tuppence so they want me to sign up to an upgrade and regular visa payment. Damn! One less badger might have kept me under the limit, had I but known. Dommage!

They're accessible still at this url, so far as I can determine.
17:14 / 11.01.03
Finally saw it. Fucking ace. I'm well chuffed.

If it didn't have a hideously cheesy rhyme in it, I'd say "You rock, Xoc". Something that sounds better but means the same would be better.

Badgers! And stoats! And G.P-O!

I'm in industrial vermin heaven!

17:15 / 11.01.03
And OH CHRIST! How could I forget Bagpuss?

The Return Of Rothkoid
01:00 / 12.01.03
Rock. Fucking. Tacular.
15:45 / 13.01.03
The greatest story ever told! Do more of these! Now!
Ethan Hawke
15:59 / 13.01.03
Very adorable! Me likey.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:21 / 14.01.03
The automatic cultural comparison generator says:

"It's like Deidre's Photo Casebook meets The Wind In The Willows, on acid."
Brigade du jour
22:03 / 14.01.03
Absolument fantastique, je crois! Formidable!

Le Stoat, il roque!
wembley can change in 28 days
07:49 / 15.01.03
When's Badger Tales 2 come out? Huh? I hope I don't have to wait until next xmas like lord of the rings...
09:25 / 15.01.03
I just wish I understood this technomancy sufficient to do you one in return...
Mourne Kransky
12:00 / 17.01.03

12:20 / 17.01.03
The French Badger is my favorite (both the character and the sexual technique).
Mourne Kransky
14:51 / 17.01.03

more coming when photo host allows...
15:19 / 17.01.03
Xoc, this is one of those times I cower before the things that inhabit that head of yours...
Mourne Kransky
15:36 / 17.01.03
And they have vanished once again. They'll be back soon but I must have exceeded my n bytes per day limit again. If I could count, it would help. Drat!
16:34 / 17.01.03
Who's your host?

I haven't encountered this with
19:08 / 17.01.03
You know, I can host these things for you, if you so wish.
Mourne Kransky
23:24 / 17.01.03
Thanks guys, it's They're fine, to be fair, just seems I get the time, ideas and enthusiasm to rush through several of these things and (I have now worked out) they take 5 of them max to upload at a time. I do them when I'm particvularl stressed in major avoidance at work (where
Mourne Kransky
23:27 / 17.01.03
(where I have a mouse) and it's harder to do them at home where there are other things to do and the laptop has no mouse. They say "account frozen" and it all comes back on screen after 24 hours. In any situation, I will take the route of least resistance. Plus, gives me time to think what happens next.
The Monkey
15:30 / 18.01.03
Bravo, Xoc.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:27 / 18.01.03
Oh, these are just so fucking lovely it's disgusting.
Mourne Kransky
19:09 / 18.01.03

19:39 / 18.01.03
Hmm. Very interesting.

(Sax rubs chin and nods head slowly, wondering if he should actually admit that he can't see anything, or just pretend to go along with everyone else)
05:21 / 19.01.03
It just gets better! Fantastic.
Mourne Kransky
13:04 / 19.01.03
The whole thing is a plot to keep you staring at the (apparently) blank screen, Sax Kitten, thereby mesmerising you with subtle subliminal rays and implanting an urge to wear leather and forget Ariadne.

Think I've fixed the now-you-see-them-now-you-don't-ness at last. Hope so. There are more but life has intervened to keep me from uploading further adventures. The older I get, the sadder I become...
Mourne Kransky
23:30 / 19.01.03


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