There seems to be a distinct lack of people owing up to watching the magazine and discussion programs here. So in the interest of embarassing honesty I'm admitting to watching BBC News 24, Rise, LK Today, The Matthew Wright Show, This Morning with Phil and Fern, The Gaby and Terry Show, Doctors occasionally, The Politics Show occaionally, Trisha occasionally.
Furthermore I want it on the record that the reason I watch most of these programmes is to get my Big Women fix.
Yes, for me the day is brighter with a little bit of Fern Brittan and Lorraine Kelly. Hey, I'm not sizeist, Natasha Kaplinsky brings me a glow to my nether regions as well.
TV: its cathode ray fetishism for some of us. After all, you wouldn't want to watch it for intellectual content, would you?
Apologies to anyone not familiar with British TV. |