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Oh, my fucking eyes!

The Return Of Rothkoid
02:57 / 08.01.03
Not mounting the face, per se, but a gallery of oddities you find online. Try not to put anything that's not work-safe on (link it with a hyperlink, say?) - but go wild.

I'll start off with something that has pretty much made me cry.

linky, probably now non-functional

That's right. Mulder. And Krycek. As Centaurs.

Now, it's your turn.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:03 / 08.01.03
I don't even want to think about what you were Googling for when you found that picture.
Whisky Priestess
13:21 / 09.01.03
I'm sorry, but this is *so* much worse.


14:01 / 09.01.03
[img src = "" width="450" ]

Replace [ with < and ] with > in the format above.

To make it a link, wrap the lot in this:

[a href="url to site"] (image tag from above) [/a]

Again, replacing [s for
No star here laces
14:34 / 09.01.03
Well, it pained me to pass up some of the delights from the Korn Fan Art page, but this was too odd not to post:

Whisky Priestess
16:13 / 09.01.03
Will try to fix stoopid picture - hang on ...
I love yours, Byron. It's superb. The cat looks a bit like a candidate for Up the Arse Corner in Viz, but somehow that just adds to the charm.
16:13 / 09.01.03
THis might not be "weird", but it's unholy. And everytime I look at it I scream "Oh, my fucking eyes!" (I told my workmates they would just have to get used to it. Surprisingly, they did).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:34 / 25.04.05
'I yield to the right honourable member,' said Tony, sitting.

(And you'll be yielding to mine in a while, you gorgeous brute, thought Gordon wryly.)

'Good speech,' he whispered. 'The vote's in the bag.'

(And so will you be soon, my pretty.)

'Cheers Gor,' said Tony with that elfin grin that never failed to make Gordon's stomach flip over. 'Now let's go home and fuck.'

That's right kids, it's Blair/Brown slash.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
08:43 / 25.04.05
Lady, I'm going to kill for poisoning my head.
12:55 / 25.04.05
And surely "gorgeous brute" is much more likely to apply to Brown?
13:05 / 25.04.05
That cat's on a bad comedown.
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