woe is me...
After 7 years, my employers have cornered me in a dire situation. my 24 hour/week job has been made into a 40 hour/week job at no commenserate pay increase; this effectivly cut's my pay by over 30%.
Along with this Mandatory change is the "you have no choice" option of Quiting... they apparently refuse to "lay me off" this of course makes it difficult to try finding other work as "Unemployment Insurance" would be disputeable. Especially considering the "fudged" books...
Esentially; I desperately need to find a new Employer that will recognise the skills I can offer and is willing to pay me accordingly. To this effect I intend to reawaken my Magikal practice in hopes of summoning such a graceful employer.
please help me . . .
Ideas, options both Magikal or Mundane, I am requesting. I will post a sigil for charging next. until then, I would appriecate whatever prayers, spells, divinations you all may be moved to offer. |