OK, so APART from the "trashy horror novel" phase I've been going through for about as long as I can remember (Just finished Simon Clark's "Darker"- great. Don't go expecting any literary merit, but it does rock) I'm currently in the middle of Douglas Coupland's "Hey Nostradamus!", which seems interesting so far. About a bunch of teeneage Christians in the years following a Columbine-style high school massacre. Has some very nice, thought-provoking paragraphs, and doesn't seem quite as... well, smug as a lot of Coupland's other stuff. Maybe cos his characters aren't so hip, I care about them more. But I don't know. It may get shit later.
Just bought (on Rothkoid's suggestion from many moons ago) "The Bear Comes Home"... that's SO gonna rock, that is.
Also starting [yoda]multi-task, I do. Badly[/yoda] John Shirley's "Demons" which looks like it's gonna be LOTSA FUN. |