Why not base it on certain Barbelith members? Feel free to make make suggestions through PM, this is quite malleable. The kind moderators, I'm sure, won't mind if you have better phrases that should stand instead of mine, or if you want to contradict or bring in new players, go for broke...
The Fear AlbaHog remained in one of its pensive moods, that morning. When the time of day had moved on to early afternoon, he still hadn't. It wasn't in lack of diversions, oh no, the Haus AlbaHog had pushily made its way to where the Fear AlbaHog rested deep in thoughts, cackling incessantly (although how AlbaHogs could cackle was infathomable - but such was the Haus AlbaHog; infathomable) while it delivered alientaing diatribe about something for children, nipples, claws and facemounting, mixed with a touch of exotic mythicism. And at some point, it must have become lucid enough to sense that something was out of place with the Fear AlbaHog, instead of doing it the dumb way - for fear of acidy, grumpy retorts - had opted for leaving with a customary 'Huggles.'
The Fear AlbaHog placed its feathered wing onto its head, his refuge clad in darkness, contrasted crudely with the sunshine on lush greenery outside.
It made no efforts to suppress a longlived sigh. Whatever was its problem, it was not the usual one.
"My butthole doesn't agree with you, today," joked the Ganesh AlbaHog, an easily conjured smile displayed upon its head, as it teased the Knodger AlbaHog. The latter, being new to the gang, had tested its limits with a problematic opinion. And although the Mordant AlbaHog had been mere seconds away from bashing its head in, the Ganesh AlbaHog had provided a light relief from anything severe - which resulted in estranged disbelief on the Knodger Albahog's part.
"I-I-I-I-" it stuttered.
"-Just Don't Get Enough??" Offered the Ganesh AlbaHog gamely.
By the pond, in the lush Nexus Garden, the Cherry AlbaHog and the Laila AlbaHog sat with a group of AlbaHoungsters, educating them in the ways of the universe. The AlbaHoungsters grew with the best of teachers, while staying underground until their wings were developed enough to support their stubby, corporeal bodies on air.
The Haus AlbaHog, fresh from its unwelcome audience at the Fear AlbaHog, strolled casually by, muttering homemade catchphrases to itself. Eyeing the Laila AlbaHog, its aimless wander turned into a determined pace.
"How's my favourite beautiful, bisexual ex-model today?"
"Excuse me," the Laila AlbaHog offered to the Cherry AlbaHog and the Houngsters, "birdy tells me something important is underway." And with that, the Haus AlbaHog and the Laila AlbaHog went out of earshot of the rest.
"Speak," demanded the Laila AlbaHog, "Tell me things."
"The Fear AlbaHog is hiding a problem from us, and I don't think it will solve it alone."
The distress that the Laila AlbaHog had flt all morning had been given physicality, and it turned its wings on the wind and air. It had felt an upheaval was underway and that the cause of the problem lay with the Fear AlbaHog. With a minimum of time wasted, it reached the hollow tree that the Fear AlbaHog had claimed as its own.
"What is up?"
A courteous and exhausted smile greeted the Laila AlbaHog, "I'll never hide things from you, and now won't be that, I'll never pretend to -- a legal obscurity means eviction from the Nexus Garden by the end of the week."
"Autsch," said it while eyeing the Fear AlbaHog suspeciously, careful to not waste a minute on triviality, "How long do you think you could have hid that from us?"
"Oh," replied it, "I had hope the AutoPilot AlbaHog could have been able to strike a deal with the Pink Porkies but they have been merciless during the proceedings. In fact, the Autopilot AlbaHog is there now, trying to delay them as much as is AlbaHogly possible."
"Where does that leave us?"
"Hhhhh. The Barren Grounds of Barbelith..." |