Happy holidyas to all, no matter which you choose to celebrate...they all convienently fall around the same time...
...really and truly, I don't know why I am writing this, other than to give you a little insight into the slithering snakepit of Rex's fictionhead ... and an alternative to the holiday fuss.
Let me start by saying: Every "Christmas" for the past 14 years has beem...God awful...without going to far into it, this year has not failed me for disappointment during the holiday...on Dec 17 I lost 420,000 $ Canadian in a civil lawsuigt that I have been fighting for two years now.Put a "bummer" on my cheer...
My girl,"Red Cityzen", was stressed by the holidays, and by the loss that I was feeling. We both decided not to celebrate Chistmas this year.
We opted to celebrate Festivus.
For those who do not follow Sienfeld, Festivus is the psuedo holiday created by George's father, in lieu of the other holidays. Festivus is for the rest of us.
The traditon begins with erecting the Festivus pole (no joke here folks...move along) made out of metal or wood.No trees are needlesly harmed, unless you opt for the wooden one.The festivities continue with "The airing of grievences".This is actually a very healty excercise, as there are no hard feelings felt and a new understanding is reached.Saves the Christmas fighting.Then of course, before dinner,"The feats of strength"...usually Indian Wrestling.
My festivus pole consists of 200 lights, wrapped around the pole,tinsel,mini disco balls,simpsons figurines, some disney figures, sienfeld action figures and is topped off with an Ozzy Osbourne bobble head on top of the pole, wobbling back and forth.Of course, we decided to celebrate on the 23rd...and dinner was Chicken Fajitas.
Best psuedo holiday...ever.And I feel fantastic.
Rex-mas |