S'funny... I would have reversed the reviews of Powers and Cap, personally. The only thing Powers is good for is the letters column. As far as I can tell and from the info given, it seems that Neiber was heavily edited by Quesada, hence the break ofthe neck in the last issue as Cap goes from questioning everything to 'ra ra Amerca.' Sounds much more like a corporate decision than one made by Neiber who rewrote the first storyline to include 911 elements at the urgings of twin towers Quesada.
And Ultimates the best mainstream read??? I dunno. NXM has that mantle for me. Millar is just too eager to be a company man by tryting to make an interesting comic by turning Hawkeye into a heroin addict or something. I bought the first storyline and like the big screen elements (because I miss Authority mostly), but it's a far cry from the best mainstream read. If it was his own comic or he were honoring the work done before him, it might stand a chance. Ultimates is just... I don't know what it is. Which is a shame as issue one was amazing. I still say if you want good Marvel hero stuff, just get the originals.
Still, I do very much like Absence of Ink comics and will check out their new releases.
Thanks for the link. |