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Cruise of the Gods

The Strobe
20:59 / 23.12.02
I was just wondering if anyone else caught this... thread about the now-failed star of a ficitonal 80s kids s/f series (very Tomorrow People etc) going on the fanclub cruise as a last resort.

And it turned out to be really rather good. A more subtle script at times than I thought possible, and yet that collides with very heavy piss-taking (satire is too refined a word). The fans are possibly too crudely stereotyped, and by the end there are far too many neat moral climaxes... but somehow, it worked wonderfully well to me. In part, it's the lampooning of BBC kids' sci-fi; the opening dialogue (beginning with a triumphant "Leicester!") describing a post-apocalyptic world where the only survivors seem to be a dodgy Leicester-based New Romantic pop group, and it just spirals on from there. A very peculiarly British thing; how they explained to the Greeks I just don't know, but I was pleasantly surprised. Just thought it might be the kind of thing people here would appreciate because of a) the 80s tv angle and b) the whole fandom thing. Just curious.
hanabius yamamura
07:53 / 24.12.02
?SPOILER - i mention a minor scene not overly vital to the plot

i caught this last night and , i have to say , was very pleasantly surprised .

felt slightly uncomfortable at certain points as , as a bit of a trekkie , i found some of the fan behaviour scarily reminiscent of things i used to do eg. the guy nicknamed by andy van allan as 'thumper' and his VERY disconcerting lecture on all the names of the characters or the number of frets etc.

overall , thoroughly enjoyable !!!
13:31 / 03.06.03
Bumpign this because the DVD is coming out. Does anyone know what the extras are?

I am seized with an urgent desire to write "Children of Castor" fanfic. In fact, the effect of a non-existent TV show on my personal development is getting a bit scary. In the "May Warning" thread, when BC said that a nuke would go off on American soil, my first thought was splitting Earth into two planetoids - Castor and Pollux.

America is Pollux.

Meanwhile, in Leicester, in an underground recording studio....

I may get this myself - I missed about twenty minutes of it, and I feel this might be more important than anything else in the history of the world to own. Especially if we fall victim to the treachery of potato...
The Strobe
17:00 / 03.06.03
It is in fact genius. And must be bought. Lots.

"Of course they know what you do for a living, Andy. They know how many frets a Stratobow has."
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