A good reference library, including the Bible, Koran and complete works of Shakespeare, in order to establish a nicely literary theme. No-one's done Disney yet: how about starting off by murdering a doctor (preferably one who's Of Restricted Growth) then moving on to a predominantly cannabinoid drug-dealer, then a narcoleptic, etc., etc.?
An etiquette book in order to ensure that one's neighbours will remark on one's ordinariness, politeness and tendency to 'keep oneself to oneself'.
If you're male and killing males, PP Hartnett's number, as he'll elaborate upon and pleasantly eroticise your myth after capture - affording you, if you're lucky, a 'swimmer's body' in the process (and not in the Smeg either).
A mask of some sort, either sports-related (hockey, ski-goggles, etc.) Hallowe'en or clown-themed.
Playing cards, Tarot cards, I Ching or Pokemon cards. Make 'em think.
A mirror, ideally crack'd from side to side, for those quietly self-loathing (or 'you talkin' to me?') moments.
Trinny & Susannah's 'What Not To Wear (In Human Skin)'. |