BARBELITH underground

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Why do we bother??? (men that is)


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Old brown-eye is back
20:53 / 24.12.02
I'm a flanarchist. Yes I am. I like flans.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:06 / 25.12.02
I'm a Potter anarchist. I want to overthrow Dumbledore.
20:10 / 25.12.02
So am I, only under the regime of a singing detective.
22:29 / 25.12.02
I am a frotteu-anarchist, and intend dismantling the system (literally) from within, by rubbing by genitals against strangers on the London Underground.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:34 / 25.12.02
The Repo-Anarchists: your payments on this revolution are overdue. We're taking it back.
Mourne Kransky
23:16 / 25.12.02
I want to be a maƱanarchist, intent on dismantling the system when I can be arsed, after I've watched East Enders, once I've put the rubbish out. Just going to have a wee smoke first.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:44 / 25.12.02
I'm going to be a menarche-ist. Smash the state, paint the town red.
01:59 / 26.12.02
Well, I'm a Dr David Bruce Bannarchist - Don't make me angry...
Old brown-eye is back
20:52 / 26.12.02
And as if that weren't enough, I'm also a Mike Shanahanarchist. I deliberately mismanage the Denver Broncos.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:42 / 26.12.02
I'm an AnnAnn-archist. I subvert the dominant paradigm through the psychic pages of popular Australian women's magazines.
dj kali_ma
02:16 / 27.12.02
I'm not sure if this is "thread-rot", or if this went from poo to life-enriching soil...

Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:04 / 27.12.02
I wannabe a blotto-anarchist. *hic*
Old brown-eye is back
18:17 / 27.12.02
I like to think of it as both.

Jackie Chanarchist.
Tryphena Absent
18:22 / 27.12.02
Life-enriching soil. Definitely.
18:28 / 27.12.02
I'm a koto-anarchist. Disassembling the state with plinky sounds.
Old brown-eye is back
18:29 / 27.12.02
The pun is mightier than the sword.
18:33 / 27.12.02
"Motto-anarchists do it on a bumper sticker"
18:34 / 27.12.02
Would preventing totalitarian rule across Middle Earth make you a Frodo-anarchist?
23:14 / 27.12.02
I'm a risotto-anarchist, and I maintain that only when the rice is cooked WITH everything else can we have true equality.
Mourne Kransky
00:09 / 28.12.02
I am a Kyoto-anarchist. By the control of noxious emissions, I will achieve a future free of hairspray, ridiculous tool of the capitalist hegemony.
wembley can change in 28 days
00:25 / 28.12.02
I'm a three-toed anarchist. We sloths effect change very slowly, but with great enthusiasm.
Mourne Kransky
00:51 / 28.12.02
I am a tiptoe-anarchist. I will shatter the Capitalist Imperium in a tutu.
01:17 / 28.12.02
Fie upon your toe-shoes! I am a gumshoe anarchist, and will dismantle civilization by discovering the One Truth, or: Whodunnit?
The Return Of Rothkoid
05:36 / 28.12.02
I'm a hankarchist. The revolution blows its nose on me.

Either that, or I'm someone who can do a bitching version of "Jambalaya" with anarchist lyric substitutions.
Mourne Kransky
11:03 / 28.12.02
I am a pronto-anarchist. Ciao, I'm Italian... I shall, impatiently, overthrow the World Order in a very stylish way, on my vespa scooter, gesticulating dramatically all the while.
Mourne Kransky
11:05 / 28.12.02
...with Anita Ekberg riding pillion...
The Return Of Rothkoid
11:29 / 28.12.02
Without a helmet?

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