That's pretty good, +he. Covert trancing can be fun...I need to try more of that (knowing of course that one needs to pick a subject who won't be freaked out or pissed off about it).
Let's see -- other weird/fun experiences - lately, *LOTS* of synchronicity, divination and messages from the universe coming from life in every direction, from every possible source. Some sigils that worked and some that didn't -- a written short story/hypersigil I wrote that came true three days later (it was a phone conversation I wanted to have with someone, asking them if they were interested in a certain venture. They were interested in my story, and when I spoke to them they were interested in "real" life).
I'll write more soon when I have time. I'm trying more short story hypersigils as we speak (well, we sort of "speak"). I have the instinct that it's better to write a hypersigil story using a fictionsuit name/character that's similar to me but not exactly the same as me instead of using my exact name, circumstances, etc. |