That shot in the opening titles of William Shatner running toward the camera, his jowls shaking like there's an earthquake on the way, that's worth the entire budget of the entire series on its entire own.
Hee hee hee hee. I forgot about that. I recall that my dad and I used to watch it together and laugh at it. Our favorite game was counting explosions. Every car chase ended with the bad guys' car flipping over and skidding along on it's roof, then exploding. They filmed the explosion from several angles and then edited it together so that car REALLY went off. "Boom! Blang! Pow! Poof! KaBLAM!" The record from our count was a car which exploded from seven different angles. I think it was a Christmas episode.
I guess I'm guilty of thread rot, but how many times will I get to talk about T.J. fucking Hooker on Barbelith? |