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The poor don't pay enough taxes

Ethan Hawke
14:56 / 18.12.02
The Poor Don't Pay Enough Taxes...

...and the Bush administration is readying to shift the tax burden from the wealthy onto the middle and lower classes. This fall, an idea first floated on the Wall Street Journal editorial page argued that the adminstration should raise income taxes on the "lucky duckies" (to quote a piquant phrase from the article) who are in the lowest tax brackets. The argument is twofold - "progressive" taxation is Unamerican, and that once these duckies feel the brunt of big bad Uncle Sam's grabby hands, they'll vote Republican, against taxation.

Of course, this argument neatly ignores things such as the payroll tax, social security, state income taxes, and sales tax, which are heavier burdens on the poor. But who cares about them? We've got trickle down economics to save the day!

Please read this article, and explain to me how this idea is entering the politcal mainstream.
dj kali_ma
16:00 / 18.12.02
It's not something I agree with at all, obviously, but I think one of the Republican rationales for wanting to tax poor people more is because us poor folk are more of the sort of recipients of such services as subsidised health care (where available, which is not very much anywhere), WIC programs, public transportation, subsidised school lunch programs, and all those social (read: socialist) programs that Republicans are designed to dislike.

I suppose that they feel that millions are better spent on big fuck-off missiles and fighter jets than some icky son-or-daughter-of-a-welfare-slut getting a break in this world and growing up something other than malnourished, undereducated, perpetually ill, and unable to live anywhere outside of where the buses go.

Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:11 / 18.12.02
Can someone who has a password cut'n'paste the article for the rest of us please?
dj kali_ma
17:38 / 18.12.02

New Tax Plan May Bring Shift In Burden
Poor Could Pay A Bigger Share
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 16, 2002; Page A03

As the Bush administration draws up plans to simplify the tax system, it is also refining arguments for why it may be necessary to shift more of the tax load onto lower-income workers.

Economists at the Treasury Department are drafting new ways to calculate the distribution of tax burdens among different income classes, which are expected to highlight what administration officials see as a rising tax burden on the rich and a declining burden on the poor. The White House Council of Economic Advisers is also preparing a report detailing the concentration of the tax burden on the affluent and highlighting problems with the way tax burdens are calculated for the poor.

The efforts would thrust the administration into a debate that until now has lingered on the fringes of economic policy: Are too few wealthy Americans paying too much in taxes for too many, and should the working poor and middle class be shouldering more of the tax burden?

"The increasing reliance on taxing higher-income households and targeted social preferences at lower incomes stands in the way of moving to a simpler, flatter tax system," R. Glenn Hubbard, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, warned at a tax forum at the American Enterprise Institute on Tuesday.

The Council of Economic Advisers' "Economic Report to the President," scheduled for release late next month or in early February, is to include a section arguing for new methods to calculate the distribution of tax burdens on various income groups.

The Treasury Department is working up more sophisticated distribution tables that are expected to make the poor appear to be paying less in taxes and the rich to be paying more.

Answering critics who say the working poor do face high taxes because they pay high Social Security payroll taxes, outgoing White House economic adviser Lawrence B. Lindsey told the AEI tax forum that the 12.4 percent Social Security levy should not be considered when tax burdens are calculated. Lindsey said the Social Security tax is ultimately returned to the taxpayer as a benefit.

Lindsey compared the Social Security tax to a deposit in a neighborhood bank's Christmas Club. In such clubs, periodic deposits are returned in a lump sum during the holiday season, and Lindsey said no one would consider such deposits a tax.

Early this month, J.T. Young, the deputy assistant treasury secretary for legislative affairs, lamented in a Washington Times opinion article: "[Higher] earners cannot produce the level of revenues needed to sustain the liberals' increasingly costly spending programs over the long-term. . . . If federal government spending is not controlled, then the tax burden will have to begin extending backward down the income ladder."

The tenor of the administration's policy discussions marks a dramatic shift from early in 2001, when Bush sold his 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax cut as a tool to "take down the tollgate on the road to the middle class," emphasizing its beneficial impact on workers "on the outskirts of poverty." At that time, the administration fretted over the tax burden on the working poor, which the White House calculated to include federal income taxes, state taxes and the Social Security tax.

When administration officials pushed the need to create private investment accounts to supplement Social Security, they specifically warned that taxes paid into Social Security would not necessarily be returned unless the system was reformed.

William W. Beach, an economist at the Heritage Foundation think tank, said he was sympathetic to Lindsey's argument that the Social Security tax is not really a tax. But, he said, it was a dangerous argument for a Republican to make.

"Do I allow defense spending to offset my income taxes since I like to be defended? Do I allow road taxes to offset my profits taxes because I use the roads?" he asked. "If you do start down that road, it's hard to see anything as taxes."

But for the purposes of a tax reform debate, removing Social Security taxes from consideration could have a sizable impact. The top 5 percent of the nation's taxpayers paid 41 percent of all federal taxes, a hefty share, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. But that same group paid from 56 to 59 percent of all income taxes, an even more impressive burden.

"If we take out Social Security, the poor will look very lightly taxed," said Robert S. McIntyre, of Citizens for Tax Justice, a tax research group backed by organized labor.

Democrats say the shift could prove ominous for lower-income Americans. And they appear eager for the fight.

"These people are setting the tone in saying the poor really are not being taxed enough and that the burden is too high on the rich," said New York Rep. Charles B. Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee. "We're going back some 70 years."

Rep. Robert T. Matsui (D-Calif.), a member of the committee, said: "I don't think there's any question you have a number of extremists in the Republican ranks that would like to see the wealthy do very well. They're going to try to make the case that the average American is overtaxed and subsidizing the poor."

But to some conservatives, the shift is long overdue. Rep. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has argued for two years that the nation is entering a dangerous period in which the burden of financing government is falling on too few people. In such an environment, the masses will always vote for politicians promising ever-more-generous social programs, knowing they will not have to pay for such programs, DeMint warned.

"This issue is coming to a head," DeMint said earlier this month, just minutes after making his pitch to outgoing Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill. "You can't maintain a democracy if the people who are voting don't care what their government costs."

DeMint and his allies have called for a national sales tax to replace the income tax. For those below the federal poverty line, sales taxes paid would be refunded, but under the system, at least they will have seen the cost of government, he said. The working poor would accept a higher tax burden because they would be relieved of the need to file a tax return.

DeMint called his ideas "the duck's feet under the water," propelling his proposals forward invisibly. Conservative thinkers at the Heritage Foundation and other think tanks have begun expressing similar opinions. Last month, the Wall Street Journal editorial page made waves with an article titled, "The Non-Taxpaying Class."

"Workers who pay little or no taxes can hardly be expected to care about tax relief for everybody else," the editorial stated. "They are also that much more detached from recognizing the costs of government."

But advocates of this new line can expect a furious backlash. Liberal commentators have already reduced the argument to an appeal to tax the poor, and even conservatives worry that the label will stick.

"It's hard to conclude it's anything else," said the Heritage Foundation's Beach.

Michael J. Graetz, a Yale University law professor and tax reform expert, said he could not figure out where the administration's arguments are supposed to lead.

"I would be very surprised if the agenda is to put more people on the tax rolls," he said. "That doesn't seem like a good political agenda."

But Democrats say that is exactly where the administration is heading. Matsui said he sees the seeds of a disastrous Republican overreach.

"The president is making the case that people who earn between $50 [thousand] and $75,000 a year should be paying a third more taxes," Matsui said. "I'd love to debate him on that."

But McIntyre worried that in the marketplace of ideas, the new argument could carry the day.

"I would hope the public would find it repugnant," he said, "but I suppose you never know."

© 2002 The Washington Post Company
8===>Q: alyn
19:11 / 18.12.02
New? What's new about this argument? It's old as hell. Just let someone point out, though, that while you can statistically prove just about anything, it's going to be very hard for poor people to pay any more taxes. I mean, where do these Republicans think the money's going to come from? What'll happen is people will simply cheat. The rich cheat already, but since they can pay accountants, tax attorneys, and economic theorists to cover them nothing much happens. The poor will cheat and be caught in droves, choking the IRS to death and starving the Federal government. Fine, GOP, have it your way.

Personally, I'm all for abolishing income tax for one and all. Let's tax the hell out of the corporations and leave the little guy alone. But noooooo, we need the economists to come up with a rationale. Ridiculous.
Ethan Hawke
19:29 / 18.12.02
Ousted Sec. of Treaurey Paul O"Neill told the Financial Times last year that his goal was to completely eliminate corporate taxes. Gee, thank god he's not in office anymore.
Baz Auckland
04:14 / 19.12.02
I'm trying to remember my economics courses, but doesn't increasing the tax rate lower consumption, thereby shrinking the economy? So in a great effort to keep the American economy going, they're going to tax the poor more, who probably spend more than those rich wankers, thereby killing the economy... smart people here.
Kit-Cat Club
08:07 / 19.12.02
The plan is probably to get the poor/middle-income people spending (even more) on credit, so that they're effectively taxed on their debts as well as everything else...
Ethan Hawke
12:17 / 19.12.02
The plan is predicated on two notions, equally despicable -

1.) Supply side economics (aka "trickle down," aka "voodoo") - Tax rates are lowered on the highest income individuals, and interest rates are lowered, so that these richies have the impetus to lay out lots of dough on "capital" expenses - starting business, buying real estate, putting lots of money into the market, purchasing expensive goods, etc. This wealth-creation for the upper class is supposed to create wealth for everyone else because there's more jobs to go around, and more business means more tax revenue for the government to collect (of course, if they get rid of corporate taxes as well, that's um, not going to work). It's based on something called the "laffer curve", which purports to show the relationship between tax rates and consumption. This is what drove "reaganomics," and has been gospel among corporate-centric republicans (Jack Kemp, Steve Forbes,Phil Gramm, the current administration), but was actually denigrate by George H.W. bush as "voodoo economics," for its obvious resemblance to "sympathetic magic."

2.) The other notion, forefronted in the initial WSJ "float" of this idea, (which sadly, I believe is no longer online, though Tim Noah of has been doing a "meme watch" of the idea ever since that editorial came out. Everyone knows that the WSJ editorial board is the real political power in this country, anyway), is that, you guessed it, all taxes are evil, and that everyone should pay less of them. However, since the lowest income people alledgedly don't pay as much taxes (which is demonstrably untrue, if you look at Noah and his links, above), they're unlikely to cast their vote based on promises of "tax relief." The theory goes, if they're taxed more, they'll vote republican. This theory wasn't even submerged in the original editorial; it was openly stated.
12:26 / 19.12.02
Strictyly speaking, Todd, supply-side isn't so much despicable as it is, well, based on assumptions that don't seem to be correct. That assumes, of course, that it is taken as face-value, and not merely thrown out as a justification.
Ethan Hawke
12:33 / 19.12.02
You're right; I'm of course confusing the message with the messenger. How about "misguided"? that's a nice non-judgemental word.
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