
"... and I was shocked, yes, shocked actually to find HER, not my girlfriend, my WIFE, her, to be actually involved in such a... a... disgust- disgusting thing, and having been so for over months or who knows what, and with an OLD MAN, an OLD MAN, I mean, its not that they are having sex, no, but its plainly immoral to actually be doing it while I strive to provide young readers and children with the type of great comics every decent american would like his children to be reading, and I do care, I actually do.

"Well... there isn't much to add to the thing, whatever, ya'know howitis, girl comes with lollipop name, asks a few questions, and then you start actually listening to her moans in your mind and undressing her to the thong with your very own fingers, and licking, and... well, don't look at me like that: we didn't have such things back when I was your age, sonny."
thanks newsarama.com for those wonderful pics |