Eating people is wrong. Eating dogs and horses is often wrong.
Eating Latin American food is almost always wrong, morally (guinea pigs) and gustatorily (refried beans, plantain).
Kaffir lime leaves are illegal in this country or so I heard today on The Vegetable Show on Radio 4.
Raw tomatoes are evil and should have been prohibited in Leviticus, instead of lovely, lovely shellfish.
Celery serves no purpose, none that I can determine. More of a packing material than a foodstuff. Like munching a rug.
I once ate a MacDonalds and would not, willingly, repeat the experience.
I love fish but there are some times when it turns out to be treacherously bony creature. Never eat a pike.
Sushi takes a bit of headwork before I can get excited by it and never eat fugu without a certificate. I saw this Quincy once...
Lastly, in my taboo foods list, there's the polar bear's liver thing. It'll kill ya. |