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Stephen Daldry to adapt "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay"

Mr Quick
15:22 / 12.12.02
Saw the story in the Guardian here

Jude Law is apparently lined up to play Joe Kavalier. Good choice I think. I'm sure he would do well at getting across Kavalier's manic energy and enthusiasm at one moment and then introversion and detachment from the world around him the next.

Has anyone else heard anything more about this?
18:53 / 12.12.02
There was a not terribly positive review of the script on-line a while back, I think at Coming Attractions or summat. But that may have been a script, not the script, assuming this even gets made.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:28 / 13.12.02
Jude Law: a great choice to play a Jewish teenager from Eastern Europe, latterly of Brooklyn?

I think I will eat my eyes if he gets this part.
16:50 / 16.12.02
I'd be more concerned with his age than his ethnic makeup, but basically think Jude Law would make a fine Joseph.

I just don't see how you get a coherent script out of the at book. If it was me, I'd have to cut off everything after Joseph joins the army, and try to tack on a whole new ending, but I woundn't know where to start....
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