Have any of you been published?
Like SFD, I've had several of my short stories published and some of my poetry, although always in small - usually local based - magazines and such. It's only in the last year or so that I've actually plucked up enough courage to begin submitting one of my novels, which has so far received a warm response from agents, although said response has usually come packaged with the standard "...difficult to place in today's market...". Still, three literary agents have so far seen the complete work, and all three have agreed that the work is excellent, if unusual (and, by extension, difficult to place, blah, blah, etc.).
What was the experience like?
As to how I felt with the stuff that was published, I was pretty much elated that somebody I'd never met genuinely liked the work enough to take it on (which is partially the reason why I dislike - and will never engage in - self publication). Part of my brain keeps scolding me for those little accomplishments, telling me that they were small presses and nobody probably saw them anyway, but ultimately they did wonders for my confidence as a writer (and - in part - are what prompted me to start working on full novels).
Did your friends see it?
As to friends seeing my work, sure. If chosen carefully, they can be an author's best - and probably most vicious - critics. On the 'lith alone, my latest book has been read by Expressionless, Ephemerat, Jack the Bodiless, and the ever-lovely SFD. If you're serious about any form of writing, then there does come a point when you need to overcome that horrible fear of rejection and begin to show your work.
Did you make any money out of it?
Make money? Out of writing?. Well, kind of. The short stories netted me a little (and by a little we're really talking peanuts here). The poetry was largely submitted just for the pride of having it published. Out of all my various projects, the most I've ever been paid for a piece of writing is £50, and that was a voucher. |